SIGBox Secure View: Enhanced Security for Sharing PROTECTED Classified Data

June 26 2024, by Nick Skiadas | Category: Government
SIGBox Secure View: Enhanced Security for Sharing PROTECTED Classified Data | Macquarie Government

      Australian government agencies operate in an ever-changing digital world where collaboration is crucial. Data loss protection is essential when sharing necessary information with external partners, like law enforcement, external contractors working on classified projects, or journalists receiving embargoed data..

      Traditional methods, such as sending physical documents or creating PDFs, can be insecure and inefficient. These methods also offer limited control over what recipients can do with the information once they receive it.

      SIGBox Secure View addresses these concerns with Australian government information security by offering a secure and efficient way to share PROTECTED data:

      • Read-Only Viewing: When a user shares a file using Secure View, the recipient can only view the document within their web browser. Downloading, copying content, or printing the document is completely disabled. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorised access or accidental data leaks and increases data loss prevention.
      • Watermarking for Accountability: These watermarks can include the recipient’s name, providing an additional layer of accountability and acting as a deterrent against unauthorised copying or distribution.
      • Enhanced Access Control: Administrators can define granular permissions for each recipient, allowing them to view specific documents for a defined period only. This managed security ensures that access to sensitive information is strictly controlled and time-bound.

      Key Benefits of Secure View for the Australian Government:

      • Unmatched Security for Sharing PROTECTED Data: By restricting what recipients can do with documents, agencies can minimise the risk of unauthorised access or disclosure of sensitive information.
      • Streamlined Collaboration on Classified Projects: Agencies can confidently share PROTECTED data with partners without compromising security or worrying about leaks or misuse.
      • Increased Efficiency for Sharing Classified Data: Forget creating complex secure PDFs or resorting to physical mail, Secure View allows for quick and secure sharing directly within the SIGBox platform.
      • Improved Audit Trails and Accountability: This allows administrators to monitor user activity and ensure compliance with data security protocols.

      Real-World Use Case.

      A federal department needed to share sensitive budgetary documents with a wide audience, and secure delivery was essential as they were highly confidential. Because these documents were view-only, the ability to provide them, ensure they were watermarked and protected from unauthorised sharing, and restrict them for printing was key to ensuring the information remained protected and to guarantee data loss protection.

      More Use Cases for Secure View:

      • Law Enforcement Collaboration: Agencies can securely share sensitive information with law enforcement partners investigating crimes or national security threats.
      • External Contractor Engagement: Classified projects often require collaboration with external contractors. Secure View enables secure sharing of project documents while maintaining control over access.
      • Embargoed Information for Media: Journalists and media outlets often receive embargoed information prior to publication. Secure View ensures they can access the information without compromising its confidentiality.

      Government agencies require robust solutions for secure collaboration and data sharing in today’s digital age. With its secure document viewing, granular access control, and detailed audit trails, Secure View empowers government agencies to collaborate efficiently while protecting even the most sensitive government information, ensuring data loss prevention.

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