Developing Australia’s Defence Industry Base Report

December 1 2023, by Aidan Tudehope | Category: Government
Developing Australia’s Defence Industry Base Report - Macquarie Government

Today at the National Press Club the Sovereign Australian Prime Alliance (SAPA) launched a new report that sets out the pathway for creating Australian Headquartered businesses and highly skilled jobs in shipbuilding, cyber defence, space, missiles, and munitions that are so important to supporting the Australians who dedicate their lives to serving our country in Defence and national security.

We are proud to be part of this new in depth report launched by fellow Australian business builder, NIOA, and written by ex-ASPI Chief, Peter Jennings, Michael Shoebridge, and Marcus Hellyer.

Great to be working on this with Australians who have built their own businesses from humble beginnings and give opportunities to their Australian suppliers – NIOA, AUSTAL and Gilmour Space Technologies.

The time has come for our Government to implement their Buy Australian First election policy in industries which matter most for our ability to defend our country and contribute to our alliances.

Click here for the full report on Developing Australia’s Defence Industrial Base.

Aidan Tudehope

About the author.

Aidan is co-founder of Macquarie Technology Group and has been a director since 1992. He is the Managing Director of Macquarie Government & Hosting Group and is invested in leading the contribution from the Australian industry on all matters Cloud & Cyber policy related.

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