Save on Microsoft licensing with our high-performance cloud. Here’s how.

June 7 2019, by Gary Marshall | Category: Government

cloud licensing costs public cloud

Licensing conundrum.

Windows Server, VMWare and Microsoft SQL database licensing are critical components for most IT deployments—but they can be pricey and add significant costs to moving to the cloud. This is driven by several often overlooked factors:

Microsoft, VMWare and RedHat (and many other software providers) force you to purchase additional licenses through a different ‘cloud’ channel if you want to use their software on virtual infrastructure on public clouds.

Public cloud infrastructure often performs poorly for a given CPU (core)/RAM configuration.  This is driven by many factors including cloud providers’ over-subscription rates (typically 4:1) and the algorithms they use to manage it.

This over-subscription may cause you to buy a larger virtual server configuration in order to get the performance you expect.  The larger the configuration, the higher the cloud server cost and the more the software vendor (e.g. Microsoft) will charge you to use their software.

This performance premium or ‘cloud tax’ can be significant; as much as an extra 40%.


There is a solution to avoiding this ‘cloud tax’.  Macquarie dedicated blades.  Here’s how:

You can bring your own Windows/SQL/VMWare/RedHat licenses to our cloud.  By leveraging our dedicated cloud blades you get high performance computing and are able to leverage your existing Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (and similarly for VMWare Perpetual licenses and RedHat).  This can save you thousands of dollars.

We will also secure your environment so it meets ASD-UDLM or Protected requirements (if needed), as well as provide dedicated links back to your On-Premise server environment (or wherever you require).  We will even connect you to the public clouds, providing a truly hybrid IT solution.

We would be happy to show you how…

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