Commonwealth Cloud

Macquarie Government provides secure cloud hosting for the Australian government. We specialise in providing cloud services for new Information and Communications Technology (ICT) government projects. Our cloud services are built fit for purpose, offering the best value for money while managing asset risk for government agencies and departments. We call this ‘commonwealth cloud’, a form of government secure cloud.

The commonwealth cloud can extend beyond your current cloud environment to include or incorporate other types of cloud, binding them together into a single secure cloud environment. Commonwealth cloud can include; public cloud (AWS, Azure or Microsoft), private cloud (dedicated hosting and managed servers) or a mixture of both commonly known as ‘hybrid cloud’.

Security for commonwealth cloud.

We understand the importance of a secure cloud environment; our government products are laser focused on security and keeping Australian data safe. We built a data centre in the heart of Canberra as part of our commitment to commonwealth cloud.

Our Secure Internet Gateway (SIG) , was built with Canberra in mind and offers 24/7 monitoring and analysis. All government monitoring is conducted by our Security Operations Centre (SOC), keeping an eye on government networks day and night.

Commonwealth cloud procurement.

We have many government contract frameworks in place to make the commonwealth cloud procurement process easier. Your agency or department may be able to leverage existing procurement panels to move from evaluation to operational, faster than you think. Some of the procurement frameworks include; whole of government panels and head agreements among a range of other government contract frameworks.