Data Sovereignty

Data is a tangible asset that can be worth billions of dollars. Five of the six largest companies in the world are essentially data companies. The value of aggregated data across sectors, societies, nations, cannot be underestimated.

In Australia, our data is a national economic asset. Data sovereignty means keeping Australia’s data here in Australia and in the hands of Australian people, our governments and our industry.

This requires that our data be kept in data centres that are physically located in Australia (data residency), and only accessible by Australian people and companies.

Individuals and businesses that are based offshore in international jurisdictions, or which have headquarters based internationally, cannot offer an Australian sovereign solution to housing, managing and protecting our sovereign data.

Australian data includes more than just data residing in a database. Operational, management and configuration data that is required to run/patch/maintain an IT environment also needs the same level of controls as data sets themselves.

For more information please check out our page on data sovereignty here.