Government agencies get SASE on security...
When COVID-19 struck, we quickly became grounded and more restricted in how we could move and travel, with the important exception of moving...
Built for Protected (classified).
Built for DLM (Official).
Availability zones in Canberra and Sydney owned data centres.
Diverse connectivity via ICON.
200+ engineers security cleared to government standards.
Easy to buy. Easy to deploy. Easy to use.
Macquarie Data Centres.
Macquarie Cloud.
Macquarie Telecom Services.
The first and only Australian Sovereign Cloud Provider to supply and manage Government Cloud Services, Data Centre and Secure Internet Gateway Services all under one umbrella.
We are always here to answer your enquiries.
We start with the needs of your agency and our 15 years of experience in government, then we develop the solutions you need. That’s why so many agencies look to us for their security and government cloud services.
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When COVID-19 struck, we quickly became grounded and more restricted in how we could move and travel, with the important exception of moving...
In Home Affairs recent publication of the 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy, they have stated “We will also draw on internation...
In July, the Home Affairs Secretary issued a Direction under the Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF), supporting visibility of the c...