ICT Procurement reforms should drive Government transformation

August 23 2017, by Aidan Tudehope | Category: Government

Government digital transformation.

The announcement that Federal Government ICT contracts would be capped at $100 million was a potential game-changer in driving the digital transformation of Government agencies, Macquarie Government managing director Aidan Tudehope said today.

The so-called “vendor lock-in” problem had presented real barriers to agencies trying to move to the secure cloud, Mr Tudehope said.

“Agencies that have outsourced the management of their computing infrastructure too often find they have lost visibility over their own infrastructure, and have tight constraints over their ability to move to different models of operating, such as cloud computing,” Mr Tudehope said.

The UK government digital transformation journey.

“A move to smaller and more modular contractual models was a key component of the UK Government’s success in rapidly increasing its use of more agile and better value-for-money cloud computing.”

“The importance of minimising cyber security risks as a key principle guiding any future reforms is also crucial to success,” Mr Tudehope said.

“A major or high-profile security failure would have an immediate chilling effect on government digital transformation, and must be avoided if at all possible.”

Great vision for change.

Mr Tudehope also welcomed the vision of Canberra as a world leading digital government hub described by Assistant Minister for Cities and Digital Transformation, Angus Taylor.

“Macquarie Government has invested heavily in Canberra in recent years, and is in the middle of yet more investment, because we firmly believe in the city’s digital future,” he said.

“The opportunities for Australian businesses to work better and more closely with the agencies and departments in Canberra will undoubtedly be enhanced by the new procurement arrangements announced today,” he said.

If you would like more information about Macquarie Government or how we can help your move to the cloud as part of the Government digital transformation. Talk to us today – contact 0438121114.

For further reading:

There was an ICT Procurement Taskforce put together. The task force consulted with industry and government to identify key areas for improvement to ICT procurement. It is hoped that small to medium enterprises will benefit from the reforms. This team recently published the ICT Procurement Taskforce Report.

About Macquarie Government: Macquarie Government is a division of the Macquarie Technology Group (ASX MAQ). It provides services to Federal and State Government agencies, including Secure Internet and Secure Cloud services.

Aidan Tudehope

About the author.

Aidan is co-founder of Macquarie Technology Group and has been a director since 1992. He is the Managing Director of Macquarie Government & Hosting Group and is invested in leading the contribution from the Australian industry on all matters Cloud & Cyber policy related.

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